Prepare Pizza for Dinner on Sunday
Come in at 4:30 to cook pizzas, put out plates, glasses and silverware.
Make Breakfast on Monday
Come in at 7 am to make orange juice, hot chocolate, warm up premade pancakes, put out syrups, butter with plates, cups and silverware. Wash dishes after breakfast using our commercial dishwasher.
Sleep Overnight Chaperone 9:30pm to morning
Bring your cot or air mattress and "sleep" while the student's "sleep." Your job is to be a watchful eye and to be available for any needs the students may have.
Help Clean Up Monday Morning 9 am to 9:30-10 am
Help clean kitchen, vacuum, put things away.
Chaperone from 6-9:30
Help supervise by playing Floor Hockey, helping with group games and hanging out with students.