Prepare Pizza for Dinner on Sunday
Come in at 4:30 to cook pizzas, put out plates, glasses and silverware. We'll need you to make more lemonade at the end of the lunch and wash the plates, silverware and glasses.
Make Breakfast on Monday
Come in at 7 am to make orange juice, hot chocolate, warm up premade pancakes, put out syrups, butter with plates, cups and silverware. Wash dishes after lunch. If you're up for making bacon we'll do that too!
Sleep Overnight Chaperone 11pm to morning
Bring your cot or air mattress and "sleep" while the student's "sleep." Your job is to be a watchful eye and to be available for any needs the students may have.
Supervise from 5 to 8 pm on Sunday
Supervise fun from 11:30 to 3. Walk around, play Gaga Ball if you want, hang out where the students are and help us make sure the students are safe!
Supervise 6 pm to 9 pm on Sunday
Supervise fun from 3-6. Walk around, play Gaga Ball if you want, hang out where the students are and help us make sure the students are safe!
Help Clean Up Monday Morning 9 am to 9:30-10 am
Help clean kitchen, vacuum, put things away.
High School Helper
High School students can attend (only) as helpers. They will be allowed to have all the fun, but need to be willing to help as needed.