An icon to be displayed alongside the signup sheetBring Snacks &/or Drinks to Room 204 

Sign Up Sheet created by The Grove

Yes, I can bring snacks or drinks for the month of November. Please sign up to be the snack provider for one week of Student Ministry. Plan to provide one snack and/or one drink for 20 students.
Yes, I can bring snacks or drinks for the month of December. Please sign up to be the snack provider for one week of Student Ministry. Plan to provide one snack and/or one drink for 20 students.
Yes, I can bring snacks or drinks for the month of January. Please sign up to be the snack provider for one week of Student Ministry. Plan to provide one snack and/or one drink for 20 students.
Yes, I can bring snacks or drinks for the month of February. Please sign up to be the snack provider for one week of Student Ministry. Plan to provide one snack and/or one drink for 20 students.
Yes, I can bring snacks or drinks for the month of March. Please sign up to be the snack provider for one week of Student Ministry. Plan to provide one snack and/or one drink for 20 students.
Yes, I can bring snacks or drinks for the month of April. Please sign up to be the snack provider for one week of Student Ministry. Plan to provide one snack and/or one drink for 20 students.