You are registering for Not Your Normal Work Day

Registration Form created by Southridge Church

Note/Comment icon Our building and grounds are not what makes the "Church," but the people who use it do. In order to prepare for the future, make the best use of our building and make a good impression for those who make up the Church, whether they come for the first time or have attended for years, we have some work to do! Keeping up with a building like ours requires a group effort, and we would love your help. After all, we are better together!

Not Your Normal Work Day is a different take on what we would normally call our "work day" which would be a single Saturday calling all the help we could get to do as much work around the church done as possible. We know people are busy, that we all have things going on, and certain days don't work for everyone, even though we may have skills, abilities or availability outside of a specific day. So, we're thinking outside the box to allow everyone a chance to help around the church they call home.

Below you will find various types of jobs that are needing completed by the end of October. You can do these on your own, with your family, or with a group! Simply fill out the form, select the job or jobs you would like to help with, and then list the possible dates you would be available to complete them, Pastor Cheryl will contact you to finalize and coordinate all information with you. We look forward to having you partner with us on these projects to make this truly be the perfect place for imperfect people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ!

*In the Name or Group Name Option please share how many people will be part of your group or family so that we can have the appropriate supplies or pair you up with others.

Full Name or Group Name*
Email Address*
Please re-enter the Email Address*
Send me a confirmation email (recommended)
Phone Number*
Please list possible dates you are available for job(s) selected.
If you have questions or concerns, please fill out the box below.
By pressing "Sign Me Up!" you confirm you have reviewed and agreed to our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.
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