You are registering for Laser Tag 2023 Reisterstown UMC

Registration Form created by Ann Fagan

Note/Comment icon Event: Laser Tag & Dinner
Location: Reisterstown United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall
246 Main Street Reisterstown, MD 21136 (rear of building)

Date: Sunday Feb 26th 5:00- 8:00PM
Cost: $5.00 per person for youth 6-12th grade.
RSVP by Feb. 23rd! :)

5:00 Dinner, Drinks & Desserts (Ordering Subs)
5:15 Instructions and playing area
8:00 Pick up

For more information please contact Susan Harry, 410-245-7190, [email protected]

youth phone number*
Parent or Guardian name*
Parent or Guardian phone #*
Parent or Guardian email address*
Participant's allergies?*
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