You are registering for Yellow Roses- Youth & Young Adults Winter 2023

Registration Form created by Ann Fagan

Note/Comment icon What is Yellow Roses? It’s a bible study group and it’s not dry and crusty. It’s where God meets us in scripture. It’s where girls can come together and talk about real life issues in a safe loving environment.

What do you do at yellow roses? We read the bible, we eat food, we are artsy & crafty, we laugh, we cry, we encourage one another, and we learn from one another, and we strengthen our relationship with Christ.

This group is for girls in 6-12th grade and young adults 18-30 (separate group). It does not matter if you participated in the last session. Join us anytime! Friends are also welcome. Dinner provided. Please RSVP so we have enough food.
This session we will be cooking recipes and referencing 2 books. Eating the Bible and
Taste & See: Butcher, Baker & Fresh Food maker.

Meetings start again on
Wednesday, February 22
Ash Wednesday- Free ChickFila Dinner together
@6:00PM then worship.

Thursday Meetings March 2nd to April 6th 6:30-8:30PM
Free Dinner & Books
Please visit online registration for weekly locations.
For more information or to donate supplies please contact:
Janice Holsonbake, 443-398-5951, [email protected]
Susan Harry, 410-245-7190, [email protected]

*Reisterstown United Methodist Church, 246 Main Street, Reisterstown UMC 21136 (church kitchen)

*Holsonbake House- 4180 John Benjamin Drive, New Windsor, 21776

*Harry House- 1505 Carriage Hill Drive, Westminster, MD 21157

Weekly Locations:
Feb. 22- Church
March 2- Church
March 9- Holsonbake's
March 16- Church
March 23- Harry's
March 30- Church
April 6- Church/ Holy Thursday Worship
For more information or to donate food please contact:

Janice Holsonbake, 443-398-5951, [email protected]
Susan Harry, 410-245-7190, [email protected]
Please RSVP so we have enough food. Please contact Susan if you need a ride.

Register online & RSVP by Feb. 19th
For more information please contact Susan Harry, 410-245-7190/ [email protected]

6 of 25 registered

Student Name*
Phone Number*
E-mail Address*
Please re-enter the E-mail Address*
Send me a confirmation email (recommended)
Do you need transportation?*
Food Allergies???*
Parents Name & Emergency Phone #
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