An icon to be displayed alongside the signup sheet2024 Tour Guide Sign Up 

Sign Up Sheet created by Lindsay Varner

May 23 Exhibition Opening, 2 - 4 PM
Guides signing up for docent days will be placed in one of the following areas in the house - RER's room, the North Chamber, the kitchen or hallway, and possibly the porch. Your role will be to answer questions, welcome visitors, and ensure artifacts are not touched by visitors.
Sheep & Wool Day - Docents needed from 11:45 PM - 3:00 PM

Juneteenth - Docents needed from 11 AM to 3 PM (two shifts: 11-1 and 1- 3)

Guides signing up for docent days will be placed in one of the following areas in the house - North Chamber, kitchen and surrounding rooms, 1814 door porch, upper kitchen chambers. Your role will be to answer questions, welcome visitors, and ensure artifacts are not touched by visitors.
Guides signing up for docent days will be placed in one of the following areas in the house - RER's room, the North Chamber, the kitchen or hallway, and possibly the porch. Your role will be to answer questions, welcome visitors, and ensure artifacts are not touched by visitors.