An icon to be displayed alongside the signup sheetFeb. 17th, Freedom Festival 2024 

Sign Up Sheet created by RCSCC, The Right Clu Of South Collier Cty

Task Shifts are 2 hours, feel free to sign up for multiple tasks/shifts.
Scroll down to sign up for the task you want to perform.
Any questions, please call Donna @ 810-513-1874
Task Shifts are 2 hours, feel free to sign up for multiple tasks/shifts.
Scroll down to sign up for the task you want to perform.
Any questions, please call Donna @ 810-513-1874
Task Shifts are 2 hours, feel free to sign up for multiple tasks/shifts.
Scroll down to sign up for the task you want to perform.
Any questions, please call Donna @ 810-513-1874
Task Shifts are 2 hours, feel free to sign up for multiple tasks/shifts.
Scroll down to sign up for the task you want to perform.
Any questions, please call Donna @ 810-513-1874
Scroll down to sign up for the task you want to perform.
Any questions, please call Donna @ 810-513-1874
Scroll down to sign up for the task you want to perform.
Any questions, please call Donna @ 810-513-1874