An icon to be displayed alongside the signup sheetMiss Medence - Fall Party 10/27/23 2:30 - 3:30 

Sign Up Sheet created by Paxtonia Elementary PTA

I'm sorry, we only have room for one more volunteer at this party, but please email or text me if you are interested in helping with our Winter, Valentine or End of the Year in-school celebrations. or 602-361-8806.
I try to have enough water or juice that each student can choose between, or have two drinks. Any leftovers will be kept in the classroom for Miss Medence to distribute at snack/recess/lunch.
1. Pretzel and cheese tray
2. Carrots and veggie dip
3. Apple slices w/ caramel dip
4. Popcorn
1. Rice Krispies
2. We will be frosting/decorating our own sugar cookies. (I'll bring in all the items for cookies and decorating)