An icon to be displayed alongside the signup sheetMrs. Wertz 2022 Earth Day Party 

Sign Up Sheet created by North Hills PTO

Blue Jello Jigglers AKA whale blubber (enough for 26 kiddos)
AShley Rankin
Bag of pretzel sticks  (2)
Angela Garland
Bag of mini marshmallows  (3)
Jennifer Hartman
bag of chocolate chips  (3)
Angela Garland
Box of golden grahams cereal  (2)
Jennifer Hartman
Case of small water bottles (26 needed)
Brittany Lodato
big bag or box of gold fish crackers  (3)
Sara Bylotas
26 paper bowls
Meghann Winemiller
26 small paper plates
Sara Bylotas
box of plastic spoons
Meghann Winemiller
26 napkins
Meghann Winemiller
packets of wild flower seeds
Jetzabel Anacleto
25 sheets of blue construction paper
Brittany Lodato
25 sheets of green construction paper
Brittany Lodato
packets of wild flower seeds  (11)
Brittany Lodato