An icon to be displayed alongside the signup sheetNovember Conference Meal for Teachers 11/26/19 

Sign Up Sheet created by North Hills PTO

$10.00 donation for SUB/sandwich tray
Beth Vitaro
$10.00 donation for SUB/sandwich tray
Beth Vitaro
$10.00 donation for SUB/sandwich tray
Laura Kehrl
$10.00 donation for SUB/sandwich tray
Pamela McChalicher
$10.00 donation for SUB/sandwich tray
Jessica Roberson
$10.00 donation for sub/ sandwich tray
Jessica Roberson
$10.00 donation for sub/ sandwich tray
Andrea Shuttlesworth
$10.00 donation for sub/ sandwich tray
Andrea Shuttlesworth
$10.00 donation for sub/ sandwich tray
Ronesha Willis
$10.00 donation for sub/ sandwich tray
Michele Gibbel
Crockpot Chili/soup /stew
Heidi Holtzapple
Crockpot Chili/soup/stew
Heidi Holtzapple
Crockpot Chili/soup/stew
sign up
Pasta Salad
sign up
Large Veggie Tray
Erica Scanlon
Large fruit tray
sign up
Baked mac & cheese
sign up
Baked mac & cheese
sign up
Choice of salad & salad dressing
April Fetters
Andrea Thompson
Heather Maletz
Shelli Corl
Choice of salad & salad dressing
sign up
Dessert - your choice!
Beth Fives
Dessert - your choice!
April Fetters
Rice Krispie Treats
Alicia Vogt
Dessert-your choice!
Brittay Gracey
Cookies 2 dozen
Ashley Rankin
Cookies 2 dozen
Jamie Yun
Jamie Yun
Mandy Wilkins
Gallon of Tea
Shelli Corl
Gallon of Tea
Sarah Siewert
Case of Water
Shawnna Coleman
Case of Water
Shawnna Coleman
Gallon of Apple Cider
Debbie Poff
Gallon of Apple Cider
Debbie Poff
100 Heavy Duty Plates
Angela Minnich
100 Cups
Michelle Price
100 Napkins
Jessica Rivera
50 small plates
Jessica Reed
75 bowls
Heather Maletz
100 to go boxes
Angela Minnich
100 spoons
Michele Gibbel
100 forks
Michele Gibbel
50 knives
Michele Gibbel
Set Up 2:00-3:30
Mandy Wilkins
Set Up 2:00-3:30
Jessica Rivera
Set Up 2:00-3:30
Heidi Holtzapple
Clean Up 7:00-7:30
Jessica Rivera
Clean Up 7:00-7:30
Heidi Holtzapple
Clean Up 7:00-7:30
sign up