An icon to be displayed alongside the signup sheetGravely Color Run/Walk 10/5/24 

Sign Up Sheet created by Gravely PTO

This may include setting cones, tables, powder along the course, prepping staging areas, and other pre-race needs. Bring flashlight/headlamps if desired. If planning to particpate in race, come race ready.
This position is for WATCHDOG adult/parent volunteers only. Thank you.
We ask that each station have at least 1 adult and color throwers be middle school age or older. For safety, we ask that young children not accompany adult volunteers at roadside color stations
We ask that each station have at least 1 adult and color throwers be middle school age or older. For safety, we ask that young children not accompany adult volunteers at roadside color stations
We ask that each station have at least 1 adult and color throwers be middle school age or older. For safety, we ask that young children not accompany adult volunteers at roadside color stations
We ask that each station have at least 1 adult and color throwers be middle school age or older. For safety, we ask that young children not accompany adult volunteers at roadside color stations
We ask that each station have at least 1 adult and color throwers be middle school age or older. For safety, we ask that young children not accompany adult volunteers at roadside color stations
We ask that each station have at least 1 adult and color throwers be middle school age or older. For safety, we ask that young children not accompany adult volunteers at roadside color stations
We ask that each station have at least 1 adult and color throwers be middle school age or older. For safety, we ask that young children not accompany adult volunteers at roadside color stations
We ask that each station have at least 1 adult and color throwers be middle school age or older. For safety, we ask that young children not accompany adult volunteers at roadside color stations
We ask that each station have at least 1 adult and color throwers be middle school age or older. For safety, we ask that young children not accompany adult volunteers at roadside color stations
We ask that each station have at least 1 adult and color throwers be middle school age or older. For safety, we ask that young children not accompany adult volunteers at roadside color stations
These volunteer positions will remain onsite at Gravely to assist near the start finish line and any post race needs.
These volunteer positions will remain onsite at Gravely to assist near the start finish line and any post race needs.
We need a few volunteers to be our Caboose Team to be the last adults/teens of the race to ensure all participants complete the race and no one remains on the course. We can provide more details if interested in this volunteer position.