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> Teacher/Staff Appreciation week
Teacher/Staff Appreciation week
Sign Up Sheet created by
Gravely PTO
1 dozen Chocolate Chip Cookies
Dawn Delgado
1 dozen Chocolate Chip Cookies
Dawn Delgado
1 dozen Chocolate Chip Cookies
Dawn Delgado
1 dozen Chocolate Chip Cookies
Dawn Delgado
1 dozen Cookies
Dulani Fernando
1 dozen Cookies
Dulani Fernando
1 dozen Cookies
Jennifer Moran
1 dozen Cookies
Jennifer Moran
Nikki Skinner
Nikki Skinner
Kelly Hoffert
Kelly Hoffert
Blueberry pie
Ashley Cavossa
Strawberry pie
Kim McClelland
Lemon pie
Marijo Aboosamara
Carrot cake
Robyn Candland
Cherry pie
anita Fleming
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40pk of Water
Maribeth Kuzmicki
40pk of Water
Candee Roth
40pk of Water
Jocelyn Valdez
40pk of Water
Jocelyn Valdez
Case of Diet Coke
Robyn Candland
Case of Diet Coke
Candee Roth
Case of Diet Coke
Janel Bisaillon
Case of Diet Coke
Jane Fairbanks
Case of Diet Coke
Kristi Hernandez
Case of Coke
Kristi Hernandez
Case of Coke
Rebecca Whiting
Case of Coke
Rebecca Whiting
Case of Coke
Kim McClelland
Case of Sprite
Janel Bisaillon
Case of Sprite
Kim McClelland
Case of Sprite
Ishmael & Ofe Cox
Case of Sprite
Ishmael & Ofe Cox
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Paper products
Shylea Michaelis
Dawn Gaynor
anita Fleming
Plates- 75
Tarah Delara
Napkins- 75
Michele Britcher
Napkins- 75
Dawn Gaynor
Forks, Spoons, Knives
Julie Mount
Forks, Spoons, Knives
Tarah Delara
Forks, Spoons, Knives
Jane Fairbanks
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Individual wrapped chips
Mary Arndt
Individual wrapped chips
Maribeth Kuzmicki
Individual wrapped chips
Kristi Hernandez
Individual wrapped chips
Candee Roth
Individual wrapped chips
Alene Devereaux
Individual wrapped chips
Alene Devereaux
Individual wrapped chips
anita Fleming
Individual wrapped chips
Janel Bisaillon
Individual wrapped chips
Jane Fairbanks
Individual wrapped chips
Beth Paschos
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