Move Show Equipment - Jane Bush - at Storage unit Thurs 9:00 to 10:00 AM
Transport Show item from storage to Petiti's
Show Setup - Jane Bush - at Petiti's Thurs 10:00 to 5:00
Show Setup - Jane Bush - at Petiti's Fri 9:00 to 2:00
Registration - Jane Bush - at Petiti's Fri 10:00 to 5:00
Help register pants for the show and prepare ribbons for judging
Show Teardown - Jane Bush - at Petiti's Sun 4:00
Tear down show equipment and transport back to storage unit
Trophy Sponsors Page 1 - Jane Bush - $20 per trophy
Trophy Sponsors Page 2 - Jane Bush - $20 per trophy
Hospitality - Meghan Harper
Help with staffing the hospitality area.
Hospitality: Refreshments - Meghan Harper
Provide refreshment for hospitality (cookies, snacks etc.) Please contact Meghan for details.
Welcome Table - Pam Everett
Membership Table - Darryl Everett
Repotting - Chester Kieliszek
Clerks for Ribbon Judging - Jane Bush
Plant Exhibit - Jane Bush