An icon to be displayed alongside the signup sheetSoirée Cinema - Family Movie Night Under the Stars 

Sign Up Sheet created by Cure of Ars PTO

Greet guests at the entrance, sell tickets for concessions, and distribute pre-purchased ticket envelopes.
Oversee coloring, temporary tattoos, and photo booth from 7-8 PM. Clean-up starts at 8 PM.
Take tickets, fill snack orders, manage popcorn machine, and assist with refilling popcorn.
Take tickets, fill snack orders, manage popcorn machine, and assist with refilling popcorn.
Take tickets, pour kegged beers, oversee seltzers, etc.
Take tickets, pour kegged beers, oversee seltzers, etc.
Help take down tables, chairs, and tents.
Pick up and dispose of trash.
Clean the area.