Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Gravelys Booster Fun Run on Wednesday, October 18, 2023.

This is going to be an awesome day - so come out ready to cheer on our students and celebrate a successful fundraiser for our school!

We have 3 different volunteer opportunities - marking student laps on their stickers as they complete each lap during the run; managing the water station (please note that this also involves filling up the water coolers at the cafeteria and taking them out to the soccer fields); and distributing ice pops to the students at the end of their run.

Please plan to arrive a few minutes before your shift as parking may be an issue that day. When you arrive, please sign in at the front office with a valid ID and make your way to the soccer fields behind the school. A PTO member will greet you by the bridge from the playground to give you instructions.. You will only be allowed to volunteer if you have signed in and been given your volunteer sticker.

Please make sure you have completed the PWCS Volunteer Training and filled out the form online prior to the day of the Fun Run.

Volunteer Training

Volunteer Form

Please note that NO siblings are allowed to be present with volunteers.

As parking may be an issue, we kindly ask that you walk or bike to the school if you live nearby.

If you are volunteering during the last shift, please do not park in the bus loop so as to not block bus access.

If you have any questions or need to change your sign up, please email us at [email protected]

Thank you for helping us make this a fun event for our students!